Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Cognition: The [proven] Ridiculosity of Power Balance and Ron Weasley

Mervine Aquino's mind, on performance enhancers.

We all want to reach our maximum potential.

Maybe that's why we go to the gym, eat healthy, buy self-help/inspirational/motivational/read-this-and-your-problems-will-be-solved books, use 'roids, take additional *uncountable* years in education/school, take in shabu (methamphetamine+caffeine; wrong choice, bro). Some even write retarded and useless blogs. (But I approve of the latter method, very effective.)

This is what the people want. This is what the people require.

However, last year, the craze for maximum power and potential boosted up. And it was all because of this:

Power Balance. Allegedly boosts up power and, er, balance. Phenomenal. Miraculous. Goodness, even Derrick Rose promoted it! But how does it work? Does it only remove "negative frequency"? Is it the silicon holograms on the band? How can a minute band increase our performance?

Meanwhile, in Hogwarts's Quidditch Pitch, Ron Weasley flawlessly blocks all quaffle shot attempts by Slytherin. Ron Weasley does not have the best Quidditch skills, as seen earlier in the movie, or the book. But why the abrupt shift in performance? The answer, two words: liquid luck (Felix Felicis). Watch the scene here.

So, what's the connection? Well, first, Harry didn't place any amount whatsoever of liquid luck in Ron's pumpkin juice. And second, Power Balance wristbands are a scam.

But there is one sure truth behind the "magic" of these: It's all in a state of mind. 

Like the overused (I think) poem says, "If you think you are beaten, you are." Then it continues: "Success begins with a fellow's will. It's all in a state of mind...Life battles don't always go to the stronger or faster man; But sooner or later, the man who wins is the fellow who thinks he can."

Cliche but well-said. The battle starts in the mind. Steven Boga once referenced this equation in one of his books: Performance=Potential - Interference. True enough, the only one who can really get in our way is ourselves. I think there's a subconscious program in our brains that dictate to us, whenever we wear our own Power Balances or drink our own liquid lucks, "You have to prove this right. You have to say this works. They said this was proven to work, you have to testify to the 'miracles'. You have to. I'm hungry. I want bacon, and a BigMac." ...Something like that. You get the point.

Bottomline is this: we don't need any Power Balance, Liquid Luck or any other performance booster just for us to work at our best (but it would also help if you exercise every once in a while). The key to maximum performance is the right mindset, confidence (note: different from cockiness), and practice (because you won't really get it at only one shot, practice is equal to the perfection of the craft).

Chances are, if you've won the battle in your mind, you've already won half the battle.

It's proven: Power Balance users are still prone to injury...and are on the road to retirement.

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