Saturday, June 18, 2011

Remember, Remember, The Fifth of November

Reviewed: V for Vendetta (Movie)

V for Vendetta is easily one of my favorite movies. Possibly because it's calling out an actual truth in us.

We all want change.

In one way or another, we're all sick and tired of the redundancy and repetition of our lives.

Day 5 routine: 7 AM wake up in the morning, be fresh, go downstairs. Gotta have bowl, have cereal. Get to the bus stop, catch bus. (Hope to see friends driving in convertible, choose seat available.)

And we constantly ask ourselves, "Is this all there is to life?". We want change. We want excitement. We want freedom.

Before I get to that, let's get to the movie. I haven't read the comics whatsoever, but I can tell that the storyline is great. The Wachowski Brother's screenplay is also awesome. At first, I didn't really "catch" the characters but I eventually got it. The cinematography, camera techniques, and editing was also cool. As for the story, basically, it's about a "Guy Fawkes"-masked man called V and his fight to start a revolution against the current Chancellor of Britain and the parliament also, I think. He ends up saving Evey from "Thugs" and falls in love with her. In the end, V attains a great following that fights for V's ideas even until his death.

We are all conspiring a revolution in our mind. We are all looking for that opportunity to break free. No matter what we're fighting for, whatever cause we might take part in, it ultimately signifies that we want to get out of our situation now. We want to fight and take part of what we know is right.

"We are told to remember the idea, not the man, because a man can fail. He can be caught, he can be killed and forgotten, but 400 years later, an idea can still change the world. I've witnessed first hand the power of ideas, I've seen people kill in the name of them, and die defending them... but you cannot kiss an idea, cannot touch it, or hold it... ideas do not bleed, they do not feel pain, they do not love..."

Come on, this is what we all want. CHANGE.

...Right Jessie J?

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